1 AN Thursday, February 6, 1969 The Mensacola Journal 9C PERSONALS "I will not, be responsible for the high cost auto, house, a business, life or hospitalization insurance that you may be paying unless you call me for a free quotation." Call ED STANFORD. The Stanford Agency 807 West Garden Street 434-1066 Night 476-2404 IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. To stop that's ours. 433-9526. Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 1145.
TAX ASSISTANCE from $3.00. Over 20 years reliable service. James Conlon, 111 West Belmont, 438-7331. AMATEUR BOXING NOTICE any boy interested in amateur boxing, please report to the following place, Monday Thursday nights, 7 p.m., co*kesbury United Methodist Church, 9th Avenue across from PJC. 432-6213.
WANTED RELIABLE PERSON to drive Mercedes Benz to Eastern Pennsylvania. Expense money negotiable. 476-1410. BLOOD DONORS NEEDED for child with hemophilia. Please call 994-6582.
NURSING CARE for elderly lady in my home. Call 455-7528. FABULOUS BRA! Increase small bust without padding. Contours larger bust. Guaranteed seeing is believeing.
456-6070. RALPH DAVID LANDERS Know about your problem. Have Solution. Call Collect 946-8096. Mother.
2A TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES RIDE WANTED from Escambia High School to 9th Avenue and Drew Circle after school. 438-3225, 433-6452 RIDE WANTED from downtown to Mayfair by on Tuesday and Wednesday. 456-7781. 3 LOST AND FOUND STRAYED FROM 9th and Fairfield, black white female Terrier wearing red plaid coat. Answers 10 'Cricket'.
Reward. 432-9476. FOUND: BIRD DOG, Owner identifor ad and board. Call 476- 22 Nottingham Way, LOST, REWARD: Lens for Leica Camera, (21mm), vicinity Pensacola Greyhound Bus Station, Saturday morning, Feb. 1st.
No questions asked. Contact 452-3563. LOST: LADIES WHITNAUER Yellow gold watch. Black leather band. Vicinity downtown Post office or City Hall.
Reward. 433-6333. VICINITY BRENT Lost 3 weeks while owner in hospital, black white female Boston Terrier, screw tail, 438-8568. LOST: LHASA APSO male. Black with white chest, paws.
Flat face. Long hair. Hooked tail. Answer to 456-1777. Reward.
3221, after 5 p.m. $250 REWARD For Live recovery or information leading to live recovery of male Pointer Bird Dog. Orange and white. Has tattoo in left. ear, JMR6.
Dog lost in Walnut Hill area. NO QUESTIONS ASKED Call or contact Arthur Brown 476-9078 or 455-1760 22 Nottingham Way, Pensacola, Fla. LODGE NOTICES Regular Communication of the Pensacola Scottish Rite Bodies will be held Thursday, February 6th at 7:30 p.m. Members of the Rite fraternally invited to attend. FRANK J.
SINDELAR, V.M. HOWARD McLEAN, Sec'y. 10 FLORISTS ROSES, $3.00. Flowers a perfect gift for your Valentine. Come to Glass Florist, 2408 Pace.
ROSES, $3.00. Floral offerings. Prices. you can afford. Mae's, 121 E.
LaRua. 432-6994. Open Sundays. 15 ACCT'NG BOOKKEEPING INCOME TAX SERVICE COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE CROWDER WEIMORTS 523 Lakewood Road DIAL 455-4423 Open 10 a.m.-10 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY TAX ASSISTANCE from $3.00. Over 20 years reliable service.
James Conion, 111 West Belmont, 438-7331. DELLA WILLIAMSON- Income Tax, Bookkeeping, Notary. Reasonable rates. 949 Massachusetts Ave. 432- 7222.
ROBERT D. SANDERS Income Tax Assistance. 3101 West Jackson Street. Reasonable rates. Call 433- 1946.
INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE Qualified efficient at reasonable rates. Office hrs: 8 to 6, after hrs. by appointment. THE AGCY. 46 Brent Lane 438-1661 M.
B. "BILL" JONES AND ASSOCIATES Income Tax Consultants Standard Deduction $3 to $.5 1040 Itemized Deduction $7 to $10 Business Returns $5 up Property Sales $5 up State Returns $5 up 1320 W. GREGORY ST. 17 Years at Same Location) "West Florida's Largest" 438-5950 8 AM-7 PM With or Without Appointment G. C.
JONES JONES JONES INCOME TAX SERVICE BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING NOTARY 8:30 A.M.-8 6023 NO. PALAFOX 476-3024 INCOME TAX SERVICE Bookkeeping Systems JOHN M. BARKSDALE 1008 E. Mallory stret DIAL 438-1130 Open 8 a.m. 7 p.m.
Monday thru Friday; 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Saturday INCOME TAX SERVICE HANKINS ACCOUNTING 3808 W. CERVANTES Open 9 A.M.-Till 8 P.M. HE 8-1609 INCOME TAX Fed.
State As Low As $2.50 Ea. UNITAX SYSTEMS American's Finest Tax Service 2727 North Street 433-1521 4139 Barrancas Ave. 456-8756 Wkds. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat Sun 9-5 Panama City Ft.
W. Bch. 17 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED MEAT SALESMAN wanted. If interested New Reply to Box B-27, c-o Pensacola Journal. 17 HELP WANTED Board Approves Reorganization (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1A) from July 1, 1968 through Dec.
13, 1968 for protection of the board after a recent change in administration of the finance department. -Approved a proposal to change curriculum at Pensacola Technical High school to a special program for educationally disadvantaged students. By the reorganization the School Board is making way for possible conversion of the junior high school system to the state middle school system, Darden said. middle school, the involves term the used by educators, middle or transition grades and designed primarily to fit their peculiar needs instead of copying the senior high school system as the junior high system has been accused of doing. Board chairman Peter Gindl voted against the change.
Gindl said he wanted to wait until the board decides on a new desegregation plan for the county schools to comply with recent court orders. The board agreed to delay action on the EEA payroll deduction plan because Gindl said he thought there are too many unnecessary deductions already on teachers' paychecks. He said there are 17 or 18 deductions at present. The board asked Supt. J.
E. Hall to come up with a recommendation for a new payroll deduction policy. Mrs. Wesley had said at the last School Board meeting she would vote for the deduction of EEA dues if a majority of the teachers wanted it. Hall told the board Wednesday 1,241 teachers had returned forms saying they "approve of" the deductions and 287 actually said they wanted the EEA dues taken out of their pay this year.
The other 168 teachers opposed the deduction, Hall said. Mrs. Wesley accused Haushalter of "pressuring" principals to get their teachers to sign and return the forms. "I resent that," Haushalter replied angrily. The EEA director told Mrs.
Wesley that as far as he knew payroll deduction forms sent to teachers recently were the first of that kind. "You didn't demand that of these other companies receiving payroll deductions," Haushalter said. The board demanded Hall certify all agenda items concerning finances before approving them Wednesday because FWB Will Hire Personnel Head News-Journal Bureau FORT WALTON BEACH The Fort Walton Beach City Council has approved a measure to hire a personnel director, establish a merit system for raises and promotions, and named the municipal planning board as a grievance committee to hear personnel Recommendations from the planning board set forth the merit system plan rather than civil service for the city's employes. Ed Clarno is planning board chairman. Architect Roy Ricks, Lee Terrell and John Smith are members.
The council also authorized the planning board to work with city manager Winston Walker to hire the personnel director and to set his salary. National Children's Dental Health Week February 2-8, 1969 Time to buy your family the Water Pik Appliance Recommended by 4 out of 5 dentists. KIDS! Be sure to ask on for your free SUPER SPURT GIFT PACK, with Comic Book, Button and Decal, ECONOMY MODEL 1 an intermittent let of water at 20 spurts a second, the 1 Water SPECIAL food and debris VALUE ONLY pulasting action loom and fixed bridge work!) Laeves the mouth feeling alive may be unable to reach, (Especially orthodontia and gums, toothbrushing begins, it cleans in places a $1788 delightfully Model 20 coms in fustional twe-tone aqua case, with Water Pik pressure and built in storage for four color-coded Jet Tips, x- SALE AT STORE ON WALGREENS DRUG board member Richard Leeper said there are too many budget amendments that appear to be similar to purchasing items. "Are we amending the budget after we make the purchases?" Leeper asked. He quoted the Florida school law which prohibits such procedure and said the superintendent who signs the warrant is personally liable for infringement of the law.
The board asked purchasing agent William Faris to make sure that if a purchase requires a budget amendment, the amendment is first approved in Tallahassee. Leeper also asked Faris to insist that teachers and other personnel requisitioning equipment name at least three brand names of items they would accept. Leeper warned against writing specifications on a piece of equipment that would compel school officials to accept higher bids to meet the specifications. Leeper said in many cases bids would be lower if specifications were not written around certain pieces of equipment. The board named R.
C. Lipscomb deputy superintendent because his former position as associate superintendent is not exemted by title from Escambia Civil Service classification. Mrs. Wesley objected, saying the move is unfair to the o'her associate superintendents such as A. Z.
Shows, whose position now could go under civil service authority. Obituaries BARGE'S FUNERAL HOME George W. Tate George W. Tate of 1003 N. Alcaniz died Sunday in a local hospital after a long illness.
Survivors include four sisters, Mrs. Mary L. Johnson, Mrs. Hattie Mae Johnson and Mrs. Willie Ann Tate, all of Pensacola and Mrs.
Mattie L. Williams of Oak Hill, Ala. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Barge's Funeral Home. McNEIL FUNERAL HOME George Odin Bowden Funeral Home. BENBOE FUNERAL HOME David Marshall George Odin Bowden, 87, of 309 Greenridge died in a local hospital Wednesday morning.
He was a native of Georgia but had resided in Pensacola the last 13 vears. He was a member of the Brent Baptist Church. Survivors include two sons, George H. Bowden of Southern Pines, N.C., and Henry A. Bowden of Pensacola; two daughters, Hilda Foster Bristol and Mary Francis Reid of Mobile, two brothers, C.
M. Bowden and Ray Bowboth of Athens, two sisters, Mrs. Vic Hale of Farmington, and 17 Mrs. Alietne Tony of Jefferson, and grandchildren. Funeral services will be announced McNeil David Marshall of 806 N.
Guillemard died at his residence after a short illness. Mr. Marshall was a lifelong resident of Pensacola and a retired L. N. Railroad employe.
He was a member of Greater Union Baptist Church, Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Deep Water City Lodge 751. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Myrtle Marshall; a son, Larry Jordan; a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Malden; three brothers, Raymond, Joseph and William Marshall, all of Chicago, four sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Simmons, Mrs.
Rachel Brown and Mrs. Margaret Haegood, all of Chicago, and Mrs. Mary Young of Buffalo, N.Y.; a grandaughter, three great-grandchildren and a great-greatgrandchild. Funeral arrangements will be nounced by Benboe Funeral Home. WHITEHURST FUNERAL HOME Crestview Mrs.
Sarah Elizabeth Senterfitt LAUREL HILL Mrs. Sarah Eliza- beth Senterfitt, 78, died Tuesday afternoon in a Gadsden County hospital. She was a lifelong resident of Okaloosa County and a member of Magnolia Baptist Church in Laurel Hill. Survivors include the widower, John B. Senterfitt of Laurel Hill; two sisters, Mrs.
Ethel Harrison of Crestview and Mrs. Maggie Clary of New Orleans, and a brother, Johnnie E. Garrett of Crestview. Funeral services will be at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in Magnolia Baptist Church with the Rev.
Edward Lord and the Rev. G. W. Lundy officiating. Burial will be in Magnolia Cemetery with Whitehurst Funeral Home directing.
Nephews will serve as active pallbearers. The body will remain In the chapel until 2 p.m. Thursday and will be placed In the church one hour before services. WHITEHURST FUNERAL HOME Crestview Mrs. Genola Bass Spence CRESTVIEW Mrs.
Genol Bass Spence, 61, of 386 N. Spring died early Wednesday morning in a Pensacola hospital. She was a retired school teacher and social worker. She was a member of Freewill Baptist Church in Crestview. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs.
VIrigina 0. Brock of Crestview; a son, Clyde Spence of Crestview; three sisters, Mrs. Naomi Wilkinson, Mrs. Ottie Lee Wilkinson and Mrs. Ossie Summerlin, all of Holt; and a brother, Maxie Bass of Flomaton, Ala.
Funeral services will be In the New Bethany Cemetery with Whitehurst FUneral Home directing. The body will remain at the residence until one hour before funeral services. Nephews will serve as active pallbear- ers. FISHER- POU FUNERAL SERVICE Vaughn Timothy Gammell Vaughn Timothy Gammell, 27, of 6050 Hilburn died Tuesday in a local hospital. Mr.
Gammell was a native of Los Angeles, but had been a resident of Pensacola for 17 years. He was a member of the First Baptist Church and was employed as a laboratory technician at the Escambia Corp. Survivors include the parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Gammell of Pensacola and brother, U. S. Marine Sqt. Ray E. a Gammell of Cherry Point, N.C.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday in Fisher-Pou Chapel with the Rev. Clyde Bizzell officiating. Pallbearers will be Charles Jones, Robert Turner, Tom Nicholson, Jimmy Dean, Thearon Guthrie Jr. and Lewis Turman.
Burial will be in Bayview Memorial Park with Fisher-Pou Funeral Service directing. FISHER-POU FUNERAL SERVICE Alex T. Creighton Funeral services for Alex T. Creight78, of 4527 N. Davis who died on, Tuesday night in a local hospital, will be at 2 p.m.
Thursday in Fisher-Pou Chapel with the Rev. John Thomas and the Rev. Driftwood Rucker officiating. He was a lifelong resident of Pensacola and a member of the Ferry Pass Methodist Church. For many years he was an active member of the board of stewards and at the time of his death was an honorary steward.
He was a retired civil service employe at the Pensacola Naval Air Station and a member of the National Association of Retired Civil Employes. He was 8 veteran of World War I. Survivors Include his widow, Mrs. Vera Hendrix Creighton, a sister, Mrs. Ray E.
Wise, and a brother, John Cresighton, all of Pensacola. Active pallbearers will be A. J. Reeves, F. P.
Johnson, Oscar Swanson, Lee Myers, G. E. Amos and Rolan D. Barker. Burial will be in the Whitmire Cemetery with Fisher-Pou Funeral Service directing.
9900-EEL IVIA KINOW YOU CAN 2 2 NORTHWEST FLORIDA CLASSIFIED SECTION SERVING FORT WALTON, DESTIN, NICEVILLE, SHALIMAR, VALPARAISO, MILTON, PACE, CRESTVIEW, DEFUNIAK SPRINGS WATCH THE ADS WITH THE CLASSIFIED RATES BY REQUEST CRESTVIEW DIAL MU 2-4533 FT. WALTON BEACH DIAL CH 3-4121 MILTON PACE DIAL 623-3982 PENSACOLA 433-0056 2nd Mortgage Money Or Total Refinancing VA, FHA or Conventional, service, low rates anywhere in Okaloosa County. Call Bobbie G. Rivard, Rivard Reg. Mortgage A Broker, TO 760 Eglin Parkway, 242-3161, FWB.
BARBER EQUIPMENT. Like new. Koken barber chairs, backstand, 2 rubber mats, 242-2442, FWB. FOR RENT Two BR, 12' wide trailers. $95.00.
WALTON SERUM INC. 736-A EGLIN PARKWAY 242-8431 INCOME TAX Expertly prepared. Accurate, Inexpensive. Holland Tax Service, 105 Racetrack Road, FWB, 242-8331. ROOF LEAKS Special this week only, note 32x24, three bedroom house, only PACE, FLA.
60. No money down. ADD-BUILD-REMODEL BEELER'S BUILDERS Serving Santa Rosa Escambia Counties Days: 994-6092 Nights: 994-6733 MOBILE HOME for sale. Individual owner. 10X50' 2 bedrooms 1964 Cypress, front kitchen, washer, airconditioned, centrally heated $2600.
678-5235, Niceville. YOU CAN TAKE It with you. New Used mobile homes. Crestview ew Mobile Housing, 242-4914, FWB. WE HAVE THESE large Golden Shiners to get that prize Bass, Martin Lakes.
682-3195, Crestview. OLD BRICK Delivered 200 mile radius, priced right. SANTA ROSA SALVAGE We do demolishing house moving. New used building material. Save up to 50 per cent, check with US before you buy.
COTTON RD. PACE, FLA. Days: 994-5055 Nights: 994-6733 1965 10 55 Chicksh 275 series, equity, approximately A $2500 balance. 678-4498, evenings and week-ends, FWB WANTED Houses to Sell Wilson Minger Agency Real Estate REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED MORTGAGE BROKER 697 John C. Sims Parkway Niceville, Florida 678-4722 CANVASSING 6 or 8 people to canvass door to door for new city directory in Ft.
Walton Beach and Destin area. Must have plain handwriting, be good spellers. Answer in own handwriting giving phone number to Box C-17 Pensacola News-Journal. READY -TO-WEAR SALESLADY Young, Intelligent. Neat appearance.
Guaranteed, $80, 6 day week. Apply person. No phone calls. Cover Girl Shop 678 Parkway- FWB Between the Bridges 01 Day Service Terms AAMCO Free Towing TRANSMISSIONS Free Road Diagnostic Test 116 S. EGLIN PKWY.
Across from Lee Pontiac FT. WALTON 243-8222-243-8228 CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS PHONE 433-0056 NOTICE Report all classified errors immediately as the News-Journal is responsible for only one incorrect insertion, and then only to the extent of make-good insertion. AS OF FEBRUARY, 6, 1969, Edward Brown Road, Warrington, Florida, will not be responsible for any debts other than my own. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE TIONS DOES NOT ANSWER, CALL TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE HE 8-7331 IF THE PHONE OR ANY ADVERTISER IN THE CLASSIFIED SEC- And your message will be forwarded This is offered to you by the TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE of Pensacola in cooperation with THE PENSACOLA NEWS Listed below are the rules pertaining to "Help Wanted" advertisem*nt which the Pensacola NewsJournal has adopted to eliminate false or misleading ads from its classified columns. Acceptance copy must meet the following stipulations: (1) No help wanted will be accepted unless the advertiser discloses to the News-Journal the name of the person hiring and with the exception of domestic help the name address of the firm he represents.
This information need not appear in the ad. (2) All help wanted advertisinq must clearly state the type of work for which the applicant is beinq hired. (3) Advertisem*nt for salespeople must clearly disclose the nature of the product to be sold. Part Time Appliance Salesman 6-10 P.M. Must be neat in appearance.
Age 19 up. Starting salary $50 week. Monday thru Saturday call: Astronaut Views Verne's 'Moon' Book PARIS Col. Frank Borman, (r) com- Jean Verne, (1) grandson of the novelist, durmander of the Apollo 8 flight to the moon, ing a reception at Paris townhall Wednesadmires an original edition of French author day. In center is Paris Municipal Council Jules Verne's book "From the Earth to the President Bernard Rocher.
Moon" which was offered to his sons by (Pensacola Journal-AP Wirephoto) Tab: $11,850 Monthly Data Board Okays Computer Contract By MAC HARRIS Journal Staff Writer A contract of $11,850 a month for lease of a thirdgeneration computer was awarded Wednesday night by the Escambia Data Processing Board to low-bidder Burroughs Corp. Burroughs had submitted Dec. 13 a base bid of $170,650 for one year's lease and an alternate of $148,830. This last bid, which was accepted, includes freight charges of $1,800 and a charge of $805 per month for lease of a seven-tract tape unit for six mon' hs. Clayton Lewis, executive director of the board, said the computer would be able to perform several jobs at one time in contrast to the smaller computer now in use.
The tape unit is a temporary item to be used in converting programs to the new computer. The only other bidder was IBM, which entered a base CARAT Genuine DIAMONDS SANFORD A SAVE 3 GIFT $36 I.V FOR YOUR LOCOMPARE VALENTINE VALUE 17 JEWELS REG. '125 NOW ONLY $89 2,00 DOWN 1.75 WEEKLY Not only is this fine Sanford Diamond Watch Beautiful, but also on excellent accurate timekeeper, With expansion band. NW-139. See Specials in Our Windows KREDIT JEWELERS 104 S.
A committee composed of Lewis and board members Dave Bowers and Gene Clarkson inspected Burroughs equipment in Detroit and IBM equipment in Chicago before recommending that the low bid be accepted. The board's decision to lease the equipment was made with two members absent Peter Gindl and W. A. Davis. Gindl is chairman of the Escambia County School Board and had a meeting earlier in the day.
Davis is chairman of the Escambia County Commission. Bowen, Clarkson and City Councilman John Schill are the other members. "I had hoped everyone would be here today," Schill told the board after (he decision on leasing the equipment was made. "But they (Gindl and Davis) will have to live with our judgment." In other business the board agreed that any system or program developed by its personnel would be a available to other governmental agencies a cost. Clarkson said Duval Countv which recently consolidated its city and county governments and is now consolidating three computer centers has already expressed an interest in securing some of the programs developed here.
"Duval is one of many," said Clarkson. "There is some feeling that these programs are being developed with sta'e funds and that isn't true." The Escambia Data Processing Board is a consolidation of data processing operation of the city, county and School Board. The board also reviewed a report to the Escambia legislative delegation and asked that a meeting with the lawmakers be arranged. The board was created by the Florida Legislature and went into full operation last March. This will be its first report back to the Legislature.
at the Grice Auto Stereo Center TUNA Automatic Radio Model ACS-6000 Compact Cassette Stereo Tape Player $99 Wherever you go in your car enjoy the magnificent world of stereo sound. You can use any standard compact cassette cartridge: Simply insert the cartridge into the ACS 6000 and select your own prerecorded and ready to go. See and hear this precision-made Automatic Radio tape today at the Grice Auto Stereo Center Grice Auto Stereo Center 320 East Gregory Street Phone Open 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM Mon-Fri 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Saturday BARMAID AND WAITRESS wanted. Apply Bay Lounge, 523 East Gregory Street or call 476-1322 or 476- 9373 for appointment. DIESEL TRUCK DRIVERS wanted.
25 years or older. Must have experience with duplex. Previous tank experience desired. Call 476-8084. International Life Insurance Company is swamped with more life health insurance leads than we can handle.
We are still expanding. Reception is fantastic. will appoint two agents in Pensacola area. ExpeKeep your present affiliations until rience desired a but not required. we prove ourselves.
Top vested commissions. Write N.J. Viere, International Life Ins. 501 N. Park Avenue, Winter Park, Fla.
BUSINESS MANAGER FOR A CHEVROLET DEALERSHIP IN MILTON, FLORIDA. THREE YEARS GM BOOKKEEPING EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. THIS POSITION OFFERS UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY TO QUALIFIED PERSON Call Mr. Howard Burwell (owner) for personal in- Orlando Trial Boy, 13, Faces Death in Chair ORLANDO (AP) A but. ton nosed 13 year -old with bangs went on trial for his life here Wednesday charged with the first degree murder of a playmate after what the prosecutor called an argument over a cigarette.
Robert Everett Curtis listened wide-eyed as the prosecutor told the jury that Curtis threatened to kill his friend, 15-year-old James Thompson, then got a .22 caliber rifle and shot Thompson fatally in an eye last Sept. 9. The death had once been listed as accidental and, until Wednesday, police had not revealed their theory. The schoolboy on trial, looking uncomfortable in his suit. white shirt and tie, was so small courtroom spectators could not see his head above the back of his chair.
If convicted without a jury recommendation of mercy, Curtis would face an automatic sentence of death in the electric chair. Prison officials said Wednesday if convicted he would be the youngest person ever committed to a Florida penitentiary. The Circuit Court jury of seven women and five men was selected Tuesday. In his opening argument, State Atty. Robert Eagan told the jury Curtis and the victim had been playing in the Curtis family apartment with two other youngsters, one of them Curtis' brother, Allan.
Eagan said Curtis and Thompson got into an argument over a cigarette. "I'll kill you," Curtis said to Thompson, according to Eagan. Then Curtis left the room. When Thompson and the other playmate began to leave they met young Curtis in the hallway. He held a .22 rifle, Eagan said.
"Don't point that gun at us," Thompson said, according to Eagan. Curtis pulled the trigger, sending a bullet crashing into Thompson's eye, Eagan said. Thompson crumbled into a heap, his pack of cigarettes hidden under the body. Prison records showed the youngest person ever sentenced to Florida prison for an adult offense was committed just last month for 20 years on a second degree murder charge. He is Floyd Gilley, now 14, sentenced for the shotgun murder committed when he was 13.
terview. All interviews confidential BURWELL CHEVROLET Highway 90 West Milton-623-3853 Pensacola-994-5424 COST ACCOUNTANT Local manufacturing concern has opening tor recent accounting graduate or person with comparable experience. Group hospitalization, medical and life coverage. All replies confidential. Submit complete resume of education and experience, stating salary expected, Box 29, Pensacola News-Journal.
LOOKING FOR A Better, more responsible position? Old established Pensacola firm has opening for experienced Bookkeeper-Secretary. FUture advancement to office manager. Permanent resident desired. 40 hour week, paid vacation, hospital and retirement benefits. All replies confidential.
Submit resume of education and experience in own handwriting stating salary expected, Box C-18, Pensacola News-Journal. LADY TO LIVE-IN, care for home children, must have reference, 455-7122. ATTENTION Young Men seeking career positions, there is a large International firm opening a new Branch Office in the Pensacola area. Dut to the opening off this office it has made several permanent positions available. These jobs entail working in Promotional Advertising Department presenting Educational Material.
Minimum starting salary $110. per week. For persons who qualify these could be very benefical positions. For personal interview contact Mr. Jim Shumaker, M.
433-4053 between 9 AM 2 PM Monday thru Friday, P. F. Collier, Inc. TO CUSTOM fit fabulous Pennyrich bras. Exceptional earnings.
Buick Wildcat furnished if qualified. 438-6244. MECHANICS AIRCRAFT MECHANICS For Immediate Openings N.Y.C. MIAMI MAINTENANCE BASES See our display ad today's sports pages NATIONAL AIRLINES An Equal Opportunity Employer EXPERIENCED QUOTATIONS CLERK or inside Salesman. Piping INDUSTRY.
Mail resume to Box C-28, Pensacola News- Journal. Top Notch Mechanics Your new Lincoln Mercury dealer is expanding service facilities and we have need of 2 top notch mechanics and 1 experienced front-end mechanic who needs to make money and wants to make money. Prefer men experienced with FOMOCO. Call Ted Walters, Service Mgr. at Astro Lincoln Mercury, 438-8531.
TUG ENGINEERS Required for Foreign Assignment We require experienced relief chief chief tug engineers for offshore work in our middle East West African operations. For further information, contact Personnel MCDERMOTT, INTERNATIONAL INC. P. O. Box 61961 New Orleans, La.
504-525-9164 An equal opportunity employer WANTED LADY LIVE in care for 2 small children for shift workers. References required. Call Tuesday through Thursday 8 1: 30. 456- 7861. FULL OR PART- TIME If you believe $3.
to $5. per hour is a good wage, our men don't. Our men average $120 to $280 for working 11 to 18 hours per week. Fairfax Industries has opening for 6 full or part-time men to work ag air purification maintenance field. Absolutely no experience necessary, must be 21 or over, presently employed and have transportation.
For further information phone 433-2125. VERY PROGESSIVE Combination Insurance Company, Needs two debit agents. Good starting salary, many fringe benefits. Phone 433- 3543. WANTED PART TIME Offset printer, afternoons or evenings.
438- 9697. BARBER (MASTER) ROLAND'S, 3200 Mobile Highway. 'BEAUTY COUNSELORS NEEDED Group training begins. EARN MONEY First week in Cosmetics Business. Call between 8 a.m.-12 noon: 433-8597 433-6150 432-9715 LIFE INSURANCE SALES and Ser.
vice. $95 weekly while training. cellent fringe benefits, married, neat appearance, qood personality. 433- 3373 for appointment. BARBER WANTED Bragg's Barber Shop.
613 Old Corry Road. Cal 455-4537 or 433-1482. MOBILE HOME SALESMAN neat and aggressive. Will train. Adequate draw plus commission.
Call 433-3869, for interview. CAR DRYERS. Pensacola's finest automatic car wash. Apply in son only, 3411 North Pace..