WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (2024)

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", null);popup.autoSize=true; feature.popup = popup; map.addPopup(popup);}function onFeatureUnselect(feature) { map.removePopup(feature.popup); feature.popup.destroy(); feature.popup = null;}function proj(){//used in dataportal}function setlayer(i){ if(map.layers[i].visibility){if(map.layers[i]==map.baseLayer) return;map.layers[i].setVisibility(false); }else{if(map.layers[i].isBaseLayer) map.setBaseLayer(map.layers[i]);map.updateSize();map.layers[i].setVisibility(true); } if(map.layers[i]!=map.baseLayer) {proj(); } getlegend();}function setmultilayer(i, j) { var layernames=getLayersOrdered(); while (i <= j) { var iTranslated = layernames[i][1]; if (map.layers[iTranslated].visibility) { if (map.layers[iTranslated] == map.baseLayer) return; map.layers[iTranslated].setVisibility(false); } else { if (map.layers[iTranslated].isBaseLayer) map.setBaseLayer(map.layers[iTranslated]); map.updateSize(); map.layers[iTranslated].setVisibility(true); } if (map.layers[iTranslated] != map.baseLayer) { proj(); } i++; } getlegend();}function legendcall(url,layer){ var xhr;try{// Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safarixhr = new XMLHttpRequest();}catch(e){// Internet Explorer Browserstry{xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");}catch(e){try{xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}catch(e){// Something went wrongreturn false;}}}url=url.replace("http://", "");xhr.open('GET', 'index.php?call=legend&path='+encodeURI(url) +'&lname='+layer,false);xhr.send(null);if (xhr.status == 200) {return xhr.responseText}}function aftergetLegend(){}/* help functions for getlegend */// gewoon genDiplay overschrijven om opacity controls etc niet te tonenfunction genDisplayOptions(i){var checked;var next,prev,nstr,ostr,opacity,lstr,qstr,coloroptions,sizeoptions,opacityoptions;nstr=" ";ostr="";coloroptions="";sizeoptions="";opacityoptions="";next= checkIndex(i,1);prev= checkIndex(i,-1);if(map.layers[i].options['hidelegend']) lstr='show'; else lstr='hide';if(map.layers[i].options['nolegend']) lstr='';if(map.layers[i].options['disableWFSquery']) qstr='enable'; else qstr='disable';/* gml layers */if(typeof(map.layers[i].styleMap)!='undefined')for(ci=0;ci

"if(typeof(map.layers[i].styleMap)!='undefined')for(ci=1;ci<7;ci++) sizeoptions+="WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (1) "if(typeof(map.layers[i].styleMap)!='undefined')for(ci=1;ci<10;ci++) opacityoptions+="WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (2) "elsefor(ci=1;ci<10;ci++) opacityoptions+="WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (3) "/* opacityopacity = (map.layers[i].opacity == null | typeof(map.layers[i].opacity)=='undefined' | typeof(map.layers[i].opacity)=='NaN' | Math.round(map.layers[i].opacity * 10,1)/10==1 ? '1.0' : Math.round(map.layers[i].opacity * 10,1)/10 )ostr = (opacity == 0.1 ? '' : "" );ostr += (opacity == '1.0' ? '' : "" );*//* Z-order */if(typeof(prev) != 'undefined')nstr+="";if(typeof(next) != 'undefined')nstr+="";if(typeof(checkorder(i))=='undefined') { nstr=''; lstr=''; } // oa background layersreturn("

"//+(ostr.length> 1 ? "Opacity:"+ opacity + " " + ostr + "" :"")+(opacityoptions==''?'':"opacity: "+opacityoptions+" ")+(coloroptions==''?'':"
color: "+coloroptions+" ")+(sizeoptions==''?'':"
size: "+sizeoptions+" ")+(nstr.length >1 ? "
order:" + nstr + "" : '' )//+(nstr.length >1 ? "
z-order:" + checkorder(i) + " " + nstr + "" : '' )+(lstr=='' ? '' :"
" + lstr + " legend " +"
" + qstr + " WFS query " )+ "

" );}function toggleOption(i,optionname){var obj;if(map.layers[i].options[optionname])obj = eval("({" + optionname + ":false})");elseobj = eval("({" + optionname + ":true})");map.layers[i].addOptions(obj);getlegend();}function checkorder(i){var ar= new Array(); var order;order=0;for(j=0;j0;j--)if(map.layers[j].visibility && !map.layers[j].isBaseLayer && map.layers[j].name.indexOf('OpenLayers.Control')<0 && typeof(map.layers[j].styleMap)=='undefined'){ nextIndex=map.getLayerIndex(map.layers[j]); break;}}if(nextIndex==0) return;if(typeof(nextIndex)=='undefined') return;return(nextIndex);}function changeOpacity(i,byOpacity) {if(byOpacity > 0.1 )map.layers[i].setOpacity(byOpacity / 10) ;elsemap.layers[i].setOpacity(map.layers[i].opacity + byOpacity > 1 ? 1 : (map.layers[i].opacity + byOpacity < 0.1 ? 0.1 : map.layers[i].opacity + byOpacity));if(typeof(map.layers[i].styleMap)!='undefined') map.layers[i].redraw(true);OpenLayers.Util.getElement('optionsdiv'+i).innerHTML=genDisplayOptions(i);getlegend();}function changeColor(i,ci) {map.layers[i].color=colors[ci];if(typeof(map.layers[i].styleMap)!='undefined') map.layers[i].redraw(true);OpenLayers.Util.getElement('optionsdiv'+i).innerHTML=genDisplayOptions(i);getlegend();}function changeSize(i,ci) {map.layers[i].symbolsize=ci;if(typeof(map.layers[i].styleMap)!='undefined') map.layers[i].redraw(true);OpenLayers.Util.getElement('optionsdiv'+i).innerHTML=genDisplayOptions(i);getlegend();}function hidetheme(layernr,hidden,doGetlegend){if (typeof(doGetlegend)=='undefined') {doGetlegend=true;}var i;var thistheme;var theme=map.layers[layernr].name.substring(0,map.layers[layernr].name.indexOf(':'));if(theme.indexOf('.'))theme=theme.substring(theme.indexOf('.')+1);for(i=0;i < map.layers.length;i++){thistheme=map.layers[i].name.substring(0,map.layers[i].name.indexOf(':'));if(thistheme.indexOf('.'))thistheme=thistheme.substring(thistheme.indexOf('.')+1);if(thistheme == theme)if(hidden) map.layers[i].addOptions({'hidetheme':true});else map.layers[i].addOptions({'hidetheme':false}); }//forif (doGetlegend){getlegend();}}function getLayersOrdered() { var layernames = []; var layernamesbase = []; for(var i=0; i < map.layers.length; i++) { if (map.layers[i].name.indexOf('OpenLayers') === -1) { if (map.layers[i].isBaseLayer) { layernamesbase.push([map.layers[i].name, i, map.layers[i].isBaseLayer]); } else { layernames.push([map.layers[i].name, i, map.layers[i].isBaseLayer]); } } } layernames=layernames.sort(); return layernamesbase.concat(layernames);}/* till here the helper functionGenerate the legend(string) type= [null / all / active ]*/function getlegend(type){ var i; //var j; var k; var str=""; var checked; var lstr; var urstr; var mapstr; var ar; var istr; var displayname; var theme; var prevtheme; var layernames=getLayersOrdered();//store whether controls need to be displayed globallyif (typeof type !== 'undefined' && type=='all') VLIZGIS.legend_all_show_controls=false;var display_method = getLegendDisplayMethod();var layernames_cnt = layernames.length;for(var k=0;k < layernames_cnt;k++){ i=layernames[k][1]; checked=""; lstr=""; mapstr="";urstr="";ar="";istr="";displayname="";theme=""; if (display_method === 1 /*Remove xxx: prefix*/) { displayname=map.layers[i].name.substr(map.layers[i].name.indexOf(':')+1); } else { //Don't parse anything displayname=map.layers[i].name; } //Peak ahead for grouping var peak_index = k + 1; var last_group_index = k; while(peak_index < layernames.length && map.layers[i].name + '__grouped' === map.layers[layernames[peak_index][1]].name) { peak_index++; } if (--peak_index > k) { //Group detected => peak_index == index last grouped item last_group_index = peak_index; } if(map.layers[i].isBaseLayer && map.layers[i].name.indexOf('HIDDEN')==-1)theme=''; else if(map.layers[i].name.indexOf(':'))theme=map.layers[i].name.substring(0,map.layers[i].name.indexOf(':')); else theme=''; if(theme.indexOf('.'))theme=theme.substring(theme.indexOf('.')+1); // soms verdwijnt de kaart als je in FF naar een andere website gaat redrawing help dan misschien? map.layers[i].redraw();if(map.layers[i].isBaseLayer){ type=" type='radio'"; if(map.layers[i]== map.baseLayer) checked=" checked "; else {if(map.layers[i].disabled) checked=" disabled ";map.layers[i].visibility=false;map.layers[i].display();} }else{ type=" type='checkbox' "; if(map.layers[i].visibility) { checked=" checked ";} if(map.layers[i].disabled) checked+=" disabled "; } if(map.layers[i].url && typeof(map.layers[i].url)=='string' && map.layers[i].params && map.layers[i].visibility ){if(map.layers[i].isBaseLayer || map.layers[i].params['nolegend'] || map.layers[i].options['hidelegend'] ){urstr='';}else{urstr=map.layers[i].url;if (map.layers[i].options['legendgetcap']==0){if(urstr.indexOf('?')==-1) urstr+='?';urstr+= "&service=WMS&TRANSPARENT=true&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&VERSION=1.1.1&FORMAT=image/png&";if(map.layers[i].params['map']) urstr+="&map=" + map.layers[i].params['map'];if(map.layers[i].params['CQL_FILTER']) urstr+='&CQL_FILTER=' + escape(map.layers[i].params['CQL_FILTER']);if(map.layers[i].params['SLD']) urstr+='&SLD=' + escape(map.layers[i].params['SLD']);if(map.layers[i].params['STYLES']) urstr+='&STYLE=' + map.layers[i].params['STYLES'];}}var layerstr=(typeof(map.layers[i].params['LAYERS'])=='string' ? map.layers[i].params['LAYERS'] :(typeof(map.layers[i].params['layers'])=='string' ? map.layers[i].params['layers'] : (typeof(map.layers[i].params['LAYERS'])=='array' ? map.layers[i].params['LAYERS'][0] : map.layers[i].name)));ar= layerstr.split(',');if(map.layers[i].options['legendgetcap']==0){if(ar.length >1){ for(var j=0;j < ar.length; j++){lstr+="

";if(ar[j]!=map.layers[i].name) lstr+= ""+ar[j]+"

";if(urstr) lstr+= "WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (4) ";lstr+= "" ;}}else if(ar.length==1 && urstr)istr="WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (5) " ;else if(urstr)lstr="WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (6)" ;}else{if(ar.length >1){ for(var j=0;j < ar.length; j++){lstr+="

";if(ar[j]!=map.layers[i].name | ar.length>1) lstr+= ""+ar[j]+"

";if(urstr){lstr+= "WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (7) ";lstr+= "" ;} }}else if(ar.length==1 && urstr){istr="WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (8) " ;}else if(urstr){lstr="WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (9)" ;}}}else if(map.layers[i].color && map.layers[i].visibility){istr="WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (10) " ;}if(theme!='HIDDEN') {if(theme && theme!=prevtheme)if(map.layers[i].options['hidetheme'] )str+="

WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (11) "+theme+"


WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (12) "+theme+"

";if (VLIZGIS.legend_all_show_controls) genDisplayOptions(i);if(!map.layers[i].options['hidetheme'] ){str+="

";if(map.layers[i].visibility){str+=""+displayname;if(VLIZGIS.legend_all_show_controls && typeof(controls)!='undefined' && controls!="")str+="WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (13)"; if(!map.layers[i].options['nocontrols'] && typeof(controls)!='undefined') str+="

" + controls + "

";}else str+=""+displayname;str+="

" + (VLIZGIS.legend_all_show_controls ? (istr + lstr) : '') + "" ;}}prevtheme=theme; if (last_group_index !== k) { //Group detected => peak_index == index last grouped item //but loop will augment also, hence the -1 k = last_group_index; } } OpenLayers.Util.getElement('legend').innerHTML=""; aftergetLegend();}//getlegend//used by clickmapfunction setHTML(response,event) { var str=response.responseText; OpenLayers.Util.getElement('nodelist').innerHTML += str;}// support GetFeatureInfofunction clickmap (e){OpenLayers.ProxyHost = 'aphia.php?p=proxy&call=proxy&url='if(document.getElementById('nodelist')) document.getElementById('nodelist').innerHTML = "";var i;for(i=0;iLat: " +Math.round(lonLat.lat*100)/100 + " Lon:" + Math.round(lonLat.lon*100)/100 + "" );}//Fix for legend cannot contains links => use can override this functionfunction getLegendDisplayMethod() { return 1; //Default should be parse due to backwards compatibility /*0) Don't parse */ /*1) Remove xxx: prefix from map name */}

", null);popup.autoSize=true; feature.popup = popup; map.addPopup(popup);}function onFeatureUnselect(feature) { map.removePopup(feature.popup); feature.popup.destroy(); feature.popup = null;}function reprojectGML(oldp,newp){ for(var j=0; j < GMLlayers.length; j++) { var features = GMLlayers[j].features; for(var i=0; i < features.length; i++) { var feature = features[i]; feature.geometry.transform(oldp,newp); } }}//zoom to BBOXmap.events.register('changebaselayer', map, function(evt) { newproj = map.getProjectionObject(); if (evt.layer.projection=="EPSG:3031") { var bounds=evt.layer.maxExtent; }else{ var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(141,70.5,-141,-70.5); bounds.transform(EPSG4326,newproj); } reprojectGML(oldproj,newproj); map.zoomToExtent(bounds,true); oldproj = map.getProjectionObject(); //save current projection});

WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.